“You lost everything in one day. Having to leave your country because of war and terrorism, losing your life, education, friends and relationships in one night is very difficult.

When Ali first arrived in Spain as a refugee, he felt a mixture of emotions. On the one hand, he was relieved to “regain my freedom.” On the other hand, he felt insecure because his life had completely changed in a matter of days. He was now living in a country he did not know; With a language he did not speak.

Despite these challenges, Ali’s mental strength, perseverance, and language abilities, along with community support, helped Special Olympics “United with Refugees” A sports platform that helped him overcome these obstacles.

“Adapting to a new culture was difficult for me, because I came from a completely different background. Language, religious and cultural differences presented barriers to making friends. Being an introvert added a level of difficulty.

“I have committed to learning Spanish and I now have a good level so I can communicate. I now have some friends from Spain and Latin America, as well as from various other countries in the Middle East and Africa.

Back in Kabul, Ali was studying urbanism, but was forced to leave his homeland in 2021 when the national government collapsed. He managed to obtain a visa and arrived in Spain later that year “with only some clothes and my ID card.” Since then, he has been living in the Refugee Reception Center (CAR) in Seville.

Two men, one wearing a red shirt and the other a blue shirt, and a woman wearing a blue shirt stand in front of the camera while the man in the middle holds a soccer ball

Ali shares a fun moment with the Spanish Special Olympics athletes

Ali has always had a passion for sports. Growing up, he tried martial arts and was an avid boxer. However, his favorite sport has always been football, “as happens with many Afghans.

“Many people know the cities because of the football clubs: Real Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Cadiz, Almeria, Seville. I never imagined that one day I would live in Spain.

“I am a loyal Barcelona fan and have a deep love for football.”

In 2023, Ali was invited to participate in a Unified Football exhibition match in Seville. This event was organized by Special Olympics in cooperation with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF), the Central African Republic and the city of Seville. For Ali, this was a life-changing opportunity that he enjoyed very much and learned a lot from.

“Programs like ‘United with Refugees’ are very important because they provide opportunities for competition. Each team includes people with and without disabilities, which promotes collaboration.

“It is important not to marginalize anyone. Kindness alone is not enough. Inclusivity is essential. Sport sends a strong message of unity, inclusion in society and the equal rights of all individuals to live, grow, study, learn, play sports and achieve their dreams.

Since its inception in 2016 with support from UNHCR and LCIF, Special Olympics United with Refugees has been instrumental in providing critical social integration opportunities through sport for two of the world’s most marginalized populations – refugees and people with disabilities. Intellectual disabilities all over the world.

To date, more than 10,000 young refugees with and without ID from reception centres, refugee camps and community centers around the world have been positively impacted. It currently has active programs across Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Kenya, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Tanzania, Thailand and Uganda.

Ali, 24, added: “It is very important to change the mentality surrounding marginalized groups. We are all equal and deserve the same opportunities. For example, when hiring managers remove biases, everyone has an equal opportunity, free of bias, to get a job.” job.

“Being a refugee was not a choice I made willingly. However, we must make the most of what life has to offer. Throughout history, people have been unfairly profiled, especially black people and other minorities.”

“No matter how hard you work, without opportunities achieving your dreams is almost impossible.”


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