DRIVERS – Sergio PÉREZ (Red Bull Racing), Lewis HAMILTON (Mercedes), Nico HÜLKENBERG (Haas), Lance STROLL (Aston Martin), Pierre GASLY (Alpine), Oscar PIASTRI (McLaren)

Q: Now, Lance, our local hero, can we start with you? Home Grand Prix. What makes this race different for you?

Lance STROLL: I Well, it’s home. I grew up here, so, you know, 20 minutes away from the track, so it’s always special coming back.

Q: Give us a little bit of history. When did you first come to the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve?

LS: Oh, back in my young days, yeah, when I was just a little guy, I remember the Schumacher days, early 2000s, coming to watch the race here was always a very exciting weekend. And yeah, I mean, inspired me in many ways to be here today, you know?

Q: And you’ve scored points in four of the five races you’ve contested at this racetrack. What is the secret to a good lap?

LS: It’s a fun track. It’s got, like, some big kerbs and technical aspects of it. Not much margin on exits with the walls being close. So I’ve always enjoyed the challenge here. And the weather can always be interesting. It can always be a fun factor too, which it looks like it might be this weekend, so we’ll see.

Q: It does, doesn’t it? Rain in the forecast. Just quickly, do you think Aston will be more competitive this weekend than they were in Monaco last time out?

LS: I hope so. We seem a little more competitive on the tracks with longer straights. And our car is, I think, pretty efficient. So I hope.

Q: Alright. Best of luck. Enjoy the home race. Checo, why don’t we come to you next? Many congratulations are in order. Two more years with Red Bull. How straightforward were the negotiations?

Sergio PÉREZ: I think like every negotiation, you always have a process to go through, which is not always really nice to do it in between the races where everything is flat out. So it’s really nice to get this distraction for the team and for myself out of the way so that we can focus on pure performance. And I think that’s the best thing for our team.

Q: The deal takes you through to the new technical regulations in 2026. Just give us your thoughts on how you view the competitiveness of Red Bull over the next two years or so.

SP: Well, I think, like you say, there are some great teams making a lot of progress and we’ve got to do the same. I think it’s always great to be part of a set of regulations with the team, you know, when you’re changing regulations and you’re part of that team, you’re already working on that, giving some ideas here and there, and it’s something really quite nice to have, to be able to be part of that.

Q: Alright, Checo, and let’s bring it on to this weekend. How do you view the competitiveness of Red Bull here in Montréal?

SP: Well, I think it’s… I hope it’s not as severe as it was in Monaco with the right issues that we had there. We’ve done some work, some analysis, and I think it’s great to have straightaway sort of a similar challenge to Monaco in many aspects. So it will be an interesting one, but I do expect us to be a little bit stronger. I don’t think it will be our strongest track, but I really hope that we can be fighting up there.

Q: Alright. Best of luck this weekend and congrats on the new deal. Lewis, let’s come to you now. Back to the scene of your first Formula 1 victory and six subsequent ones as well. You’ve always gone well here. What is it about this place?

Lewis HAMILTON: I don’t know. Hi, everyone. I think it’s probably just kind of a street circuit and a bit like a go-kart track, long straights. So it’s a track that bodes well for late brakers and someone that’s aggressive, I guess, aggressive driving style.

Q: And is that you?

LH: I think I’ve had an aggressive driving style for a long time, yeah.

Q: Tell us about the car and your chances this weekend. The team is telling us that you’re making a lot of progress in recent races. Are you feeling that in the cockpit?

LH: Yes, the car’s continuing to improve. I think everyone’s obviously taken a step hopefully closer to the Red Bulls, and I think that’s been really positive. But incredibly proud of everyone back at the factory, just how hard everyone’s working and how resilient everyone is. Everyone’s just staying very focused, head down. The morale’s really great in the team, so I’m hoping that we can get closer to these guys and start actually competing at the front with these.

Q: Do you think that’s possible this weekend? Is a podium on the horizon?

LH: I don’t think it’s far away. And so we’ve got the upgrade. Both cars have the upgrade this weekend. So I’m looking forward to seeing how that feels actually on track.

Q: You’ve got the new front wing. Going to out-qualify George this weekend?

LH: I’ll try.

Q: Alright. Well, Lewis, good luck to you. Nico, what about Haas? Tell us about your chances this weekend? How hopeful are you?

Nico HÜLKENBERG: Yeah. Somewhat optimistic. First of all, I love this place. I love this track. It’s probably one of my favourites, if not the favourite. So looking forward to just get out there. I really hope there is going to be some dry running, too, and not just the full wet. It’s more low-speed content, the circuit, which kind of helps and suits our car better. So that makes me a little bit more optimistic to be more competitive.

Q: I’m interested that you’re hoping for a dry weekend because…

NH: No, just to exploit the track, just to drive in the dry as well, to take the kerbs at the proper speed and everything. It’s a different sensation in the dry compared to…

Q: But in terms of your chances this weekend, hoping for a bit like last year when you qualified second?

NH: Yeah, I mean, there is no guarantee when it’s wet or changeable conditions that you’re going to do well. But obviously that spices things up, puts everyone more on the edge. I don’t mind it, but I’ll take it as it comes.

Q: Nico, Monaco was obviously a really difficult moment for the team. Just how is the mood in the garage this weekend?

NH: It’s good. I mean, yeah, it happened, but, it’s done and dusted. No point… There was not much to debrief or dwell on it. Obviously, you know, look forward and focus on the task and the racing ahead now.

Q: Alright. Best of luck this weekend. Thank you, Nico. Pierre, let’s come to you now. How encouraged were you by the pace of Alpine last time out in Monaco?

Pierre GASLY: Well, I must say it was pretty positive. First Q3 of the year, we managed to show some good speed throughout the whole qualifying, Q1, Q2, Q3. So definitely some good signs. Obviously, we know Monaco is kind of a particular track, so we know we might not be in similar positions on all the tracks, but definitely some good signs.

Q: Well, what about here? It’s a very different layout, but there are some similarities to Monaco in terms of the corners.

PG: Yeah, it’s still… We know we’re still a bit on the back foot, and we’re trying to rethink a bit how we want to approach this car concept. So at the minute, it’s mainly focusing on maximising what we got. And as we can see, a lot can happen on race day. So yeah, we’ll see. We’ll try again our best. We know we’re fighting for a point right at the back of the top 10. But hopefully, we can be in a position to repeat the performance of Monaco.

Q: Now, Pierre, since Monaco, it’s been announced that Esteban Ocon is going to be leaving Alpine at the end of this season. How does that news affect what you’re going to do in 2025?

PG: To be honest, absolutely nothing. I think, you know, at the minute it’s quite clear the position I’m in. And yeah, for my future at the moment, I have nothing really to announce. And then, yeah, you guys will know in due time.

Q: Just a couple of words on Esteban. What kind of a team-mate has he been for you at Alpine?

PG: Yeah, it’s been… I’m just taking time to think, because I know how you guys are going to take every single word that comes out. It’s a long story between Esteban and myself. And I think so far in the last year and a half, we managed to work and co-operate very professionally. So I think this is important to mention. It hasn’t always been easy, as you would imagine from two very competitive drivers. But yeah, considering the story between us, I think it’s been It’s been good. So, yeah, I will say I’ll stick to these lines.

Q: Alright. Thanks, Pierre. Best of luck this weekend. And Oscar, coming to you now. The last three races have gone really well for you, culminating in that second place in Monaco last time out. Just tell us about the progress you feel you’ve made in that time?

Oscar PIASTRI: Yeah, I think, like you said, the last three weekends have been very solid, I think, for the whole team, but also for me personally. Monaco was really the first time that we got a really strong result out of it. But yeah, I mean, clearly the car is performing well at the moment and I feel like I’ve taken a step forward as well and been able to build some consistency in the last few weekends, which is always nice. But yeah, I feel like I’m in a good place.

Q: Have you found something in the set-up, or is it purely a confidence thing?

OP: I would say more just a confidence thing. I think there have been good moments here and there, even at the start of the season. I think the first few rounds were quite promising, a couple of difficult races in the middle, but on the whole, I feel like I’ve taken a good step forward in quite a few areas from last year. I think it’s just been the consistency that’s really been the missing thing. So the last few weekends have been good to try and get on top of that. But I don’t think I’ve done anything special. I don’t think as a team we’ve really done anything special. We’ve just got the car in a good window. And with the upgrades, clearly it’s performing well. So yeah, I think we’re all just taking it up a notch.

Q: And what about this weekend? You qualified ninth, finished 11th here last year. Are you expecting more?

OP: I hope so. I think we can be pretty confident that we’ll be somewhere in the mix, which is pretty exciting to say. I don’t know if we’ll be the favourites, so to speak, but I don’t really know who you can say are the favourites at the moment. So, yeah, excited to see where we come out. Hopefully it’s better than finishing 11th. But, yeah, I think we’re definitely in the mix now, and I think the last few weekends have proven that on very different tracks.


Q: (Nelson Valkenburg – Viaplay) For Oscar, you said it’s a different feeling to be in the mix. How different is it from thinking you’ll be going for a podium, and going for a win? Is it a familiar feeling from your junior days?

OP: In some ways, yes. In some ways, no. I mean, it’s always more exciting when you’re fighting at the front, obviously. That’s what we’re all here for. I’m very fortunate that I have the opportunity to be able to be in that position. But, you know, we’re all here because we’ve been successful leading into F1 and we all want to win. So, yeah, it is very exciting having that opportunity. I think last year… There were points where we could get a podium, but a win was never realistic, I would say. Whereas this year, a win is certainly on the cards. And I would say the last few weekends, with a few things going slightly differently, then there’s been a lot of potential. It does bring me back a bit to my junior days. And it does change the feeling of how you go racing a little bit. It doesn’t change the approach, I would say. But of course, when you go into a weekend knowing that you can fight for a win, it’s a bit nicer than knowing that you should be trying to fight for a point, maybe. That was us 12 months ago. So, you know, I guess I know already what it’s like to be in both positions, but I think we all know which position we’d rather choose. And I’ll stop there.

Q: (David Croft – Sky Sports F1) A question to Sergio. Congratulations on the new deal. It’s been a long and very successful career in Formula 1 that extends for another two years. But on announcement of the deal, there was a reaction from some people that said you’ve only been signed to keep your team-mate happy. What’s your message to people who think that?

SP: Well, I think in Formula 1, there are always different agendas, and I really get that. It’s something that has been with every driver since we got in the sport. And I think the best thing to do is just to close the visor and focus on my job, do the best for myself, for my career. And at the end of the day, when my career is finished, it’s the only thing that will matter to me. What people have to say or not… I mean, I appreciate that everyone has their opinion, but at the end of the day, I’m here to do the best for my career and I’m happy with what I have achieved.

Q: (Roldán Rodriguez – DAZN Spain) A question to Checo as well. Congratulations again for the renewal. How do you feel about that? And also, what was the toughest point to agree with the team?

SP: Well, I obviously feel happy once you get an agreement. It really means that both parties are happy with what we got, and happy to move forward. And obviously, we’ve got great targets ahead of us. Red Bull is a team that really takes everything out of you. It’s something that since I came here, the amount of how intense everything is on track, off track, and it’s a challenge you don’t have anywhere else. I haven’t had that sort of challenge in my career. When I sign, I’m really up for it and willing to give my 100%. It was just a very straightforward negotiation. Obviously, I’ve been in the team for a few years already, so it’s always, I think, when you are already there, it’s a lot easier to reach an agreement.

Q: Checo, was it Red Bull or no one for you, or did you enter negotiations with other teams as well?

SP: I mean, you’re always talking to two different teams. There were other options out there, but for me, my plan A, B, and C was definitely to stay at Red Bull. I really want to finish my career here, wherever that is. It’s a team that has given me so much into my career that I’m just really happy. And yeah, I just want to give my best to this team until my last lap.

Q: (Patrick Laub – Servus TV) Checo, first of all, congrats also from my side. But when we look at the numbers and the results, it’s no secret that your opponents, like McLaren and Ferrari, have come really close in those last few weeks. And I’m sure there are several reasons for that. But as one for them, how would you actually experience right now the effects of maybe having less wind tunnel time than maybe other teams?

SP: Well, I think it’s natural, you know. It’s the third year of the same regulations. It’s natural that teams are coming closer to us. We’re finding it harder as well to find performance. But, yeah, I think we know where our biggest chunk of performance is going to come from. I don’t think we have unlocked that much during the year compared to other teams. So hopefully once we are able to unlock some of that performance, we can be in better shape, especially at different types of circuits. But yeah, the competition is super, super high. And I think this weekend there are three or four teams that can potentially get the victory. So I think it’s great to have this competition.

Q: (Nelson Valkenburg – Viaplay) Question for Lewis. Lewis , you already spoke about the improved potential of the car and the way that it’s heading. What aspect of the car is improving, and what is then needed more to be able to fight for the podium?

LH: The biggest improvement I think coming into this year has been ride quality and being able to get the car lower, which is what others have been able to do. And then stability on entry of corners. The car is far more predictable than it ever was, particularly the last couple of years. And particularly this year, it’s a lot more stable, so we can be more committed into the corners. But then through corner balance is where we’ve been lacking, where some of the others have really taken a big step. So that’s what we’re trying to work on.

Q: (Roldán Rodriguez – DAZN Spain) To Lewis as well. In the contract with Ferrari for next year, The question is, was Frederic Vasseur, a man you know pretty well, he was directly involved in your contract?

LH: Yes. Yeah, he’s the boss and really a huge amount of support from John Elkann, who I’ve got a great relationship with. And so with those two together, Fred and John, we worked really closely.


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