
Young woman wearing a red jacket holding a tablet and speaking on stage.

Keira Belland, BEM addresses the AIPS World Congress

Earlier this week, Keira Belland, okay He made history as the first ever athlete Intellectual disabilities To address more than 400 sports journalists from five different continents attending the IFSP World Centenary Congress in Santa Susana, Barcelona, ​​Spain. Below is an excerpt from AIPS coverage Keira advocates for people with intellectual disabilities and challenges attendees and spectators for greater inclusion in sport.

Persuasive appeal

Through a compelling plea for inclusion, Byland implored journalists to leverage their platforms to create a more inclusive world – one where every athlete, regardless of ability, is welcomed and celebrated. She highlighted the broad reach of Special Olympics in more than 170 countries, and called on journalists to build relationships with local programs and amplify their impact through storytelling.

“We need more sports media covering our Special Olympics events and telling our stories. There are over two hundred million people with severe ID around the world. The goal is to reach every one of them and their families, to give them the gift of sport through Special Olympics and you can help us.” She addressed her appeal to the delegates of the International Sports Federation.

“Choose Inclusion” In closing, Byland challenged the audience to embrace inclusivity not only in sports journalism but also in their organizations. With a simple yet profound message – “Choose to Include” – she called on every individual to play a role in promoting a more equitable and accepting society.

Read the full article.



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