An athlete in blue camouflage uniform and bicycle helmet walks next to his bike

Triathlon paves the way for all-round sports in 3Research and development Annual Special Olympics European Open Triathlon.

From May 18 to 19 3Research and development The annual Special Olympics European Open Triathlon was held in Samorin, Slovakia as part of the Challenge Family Triathlon Championships.

23 Special Olympics athletes from 8 different programs participated in the tournament (Finland, Florida, USA, Germany, Guatemala, Israel, Monaco, Netherlands and Slovakia). With endurance being key, the athletes completed a 750-meter swim, followed by a ride Bike 20km and run 5km to the finish line.

Before the actual competition, the triathletes and their coaches took time on May 17 to familiarize themselves with the course to strategize on how to compete at their best on race day.

A Special Olympics athlete smiles as he crosses the finish line

Former Special Olympics athlete and Special Olympics International Director of Sport and Development, Kester Edwards, was in Samorin for the tournament. “Ron Beck from Special Olympics Israel and Peter Isbold from Special Olympics Slovakia have stood out as good role models for other Special Olympics athletes to look up to in the sport. Ron placed first overall in the annual event and Peter was not far behind in second place as the two pushed the competitive advantage throughout The entire race.

“Looking forward to the 2027 Special Olympics World Games in Santiago, Chile, the Family Challenge Series races are a great way for athletes to get more familiar with competing in triathlon.”

Support Special Olympics Slovakia 3Research and development An annual event and their team members were at points along the race course to provide guidance and encouragement to the athletes as they swim, bike and run. At the conclusion of the race, the athletes came together to celebrate each other and attended an awards ceremony for the top finishers in each age/gender group.

Slovakian Special Olympics athlete swims in open water

Results of the third annual Special Olympics European Open Triathlon

Female, age group – open

My name is Anne De Molmeester Holland 1:20:35 (1street)
Jolene Baum Holland 1:29:28 (2Second abbreviation)
Annie Aalto So is Finland 1:41:26 (3Research and development)
Maya Fletcher Florida 2:00:16 (4y)
Male, Age Group, C (16-25 years)
Ron Beck So is Israel 1:10:21 (1street)
Leo Rawstorn So is Finland 1:29:46 (2Second abbreviation)
Frankie Russell Florida 1:39:03 (3Research and development)
Andrei Petrik So Slovakia 2:05:27 (4y)
I hate Efrain Enriquez Franco participant
Male, Age Group, D (16-29 years)
Jaakko Mekonnen So is Finland 1:24:58 (1street)
Stefan Felt Germany 1:36:06 (2Second abbreviation)
Dennis Knapcock So Slovakia 1:38:21 (3Research and development)
Roman Wachter Germany 1:54:02 (4y)
Zachary Dionette Florida 2:17:46 (5y)
Male, Age Group, E (30+ yo)
Peter Isbold So Slovakia 1:15:13 (1street)
Stefan Kilka So Monaco 1:25:58 (2Second abbreviation)
Luis Oswaldo Ramirez Arevalo Su Guatemala 1:30:13 (3Research and development)
Thomas Desperez So Monaco 1:32:35 (4y)
Daniel Arturo Guerra Rubio Su Guatemala 1:32:41 (5y)
Lukas Fosatko So Slovakia 1:40:51 (6y)
Psalm of Levi So is Finland 1:59:04 (7y)
Robert Tomicic So Slovakia 2:10:32 (8y)


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