An image of a bald man in a dark coat in front of a maroon background with the Liverpool FC logo and text An image of a bald man in a dark coat in front of a maroon background with the Liverpool FC logo and text

Big news from the world of football! Liverpool have gone and nabbed Arne Slott as their new head coach, and I have to say it’s pretty exciting stuff. Starting June 1, 2024, the 45-year-old Dutch wizard will take over the reins, assuming all his paperwork is in order.

Last week it was already rumored that Slott was the best choice for Klopp, thanks to a super detailed search that gathered a ton of data. They have agreed a base deal of around £7.7m, which could rise to £9.4m with bonuses. Slott isn’t coming alone though—he’s bringing in a trio of his trusted assistants to revamp the coaching scene at Anfield.

After a commendable stint, Klopp and his main boys, Peter Krawietz and Pep Lijnders, have moved on, with Lijnders set to join Red Bull Salzburg. Klopp hung up his cap at the end of November and Liverpool made a deep dive to find the perfect fit, even keeping Klopp’s exit under wraps until January.

The club was also busy with other big moves. Michael Edwards is back as FSG’s executive director of football, and Bournemouth’s Richard Hughes has been hired as the new sporting director. With a fresh squad and Slott’s knack for pulling teams out of the mud – he seriously turned Feyenoord around – Liverpool look set for some exciting times.

Slott, a fan of the 4-2-3-1 formation, looks set to fit right in. Even Klopp gave him the nod, calling him a top coach and a great guy. Slott is ready to call Klopp for tips and is ready to go, especially with the US tour scheduled this pre-season. There’s no telling if they’ll mix in some European games first, but either way, it’s going to be a wild ride!


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